Wednesday, May 15, 2019

4 Types of Fire Pumps

Fire pumps are an essential part of battling fires. Without operational fire pumps, you won't have adequate water pressure to help contain or extinguish fires. This, thusly, can make it increasingly hard for your sprinkler system to extinguish a fire. Here are four different types of fire pumps that are regularly found in business settings. 


The horizontal split case fire pump is the one that is most generally found in most commercial structures. Since it is so easy to use and to fix at whatever point an issue arises, many fire protection specialists want to work with this model. Notwithstanding, these fire pumps will need access to a water source outside the building, for example, a fire hydrant. Another reason that these models are so popular is that they are extraordinarily tough and won't require frequent maintenance. It likewise won't fall short when you need it most.


The following sort of fire pump is known as the vertical split case. Not similar to horizontal split case fire pump, they don't require as much floor space. In the event that you have a smaller business building, at that point this could be the solution that you have been searching for with regards to fire pumps. Likewise, on account of the pump's vertical orientation, it is less inclined to motor flooding, which can be another danger to everybody in your building. 


Vertical in-line fire pumps are a significantly smaller model. On the off chance that sparing space is your primary concern, at that point, these are the fire pumps for you. However, at whatever point maintenance is vital, these pumps are an issue to manage; that is because they should be disassembled before any service by fire protection specialists can occur. When the maintenance is finished, they should be carefully reassembled. 


The final sort of fire pump that is usually utilized is known as the vertical turbine. This kind of fire pump can draw its water from wells or water tanks as opposed to needing a fire hydrant. It additionally shouldn't be prepared before it will begin working. Water travels through the column and remains stored until it needs to be dispensed.

For more information about fire prevention, or electrical safety, visit the NIFSE Navi Mumbai website at

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